Thursday, March 22, 2007

"AKWAABA!!!" a Ghana Travelogue

If an award were given for the country with the friendliest people in West Africa, Ghana would be a strong contender. Spend a few hours in the breezy capital at Accra, and you'll swear the wind and waves off the Gulf of Guinea have infused the land and people alike with equatorial warmth.

"Good roads, great beaches, easy wildlife spotting."
"I'll let you know"
In A Nutshell:
"The Place to Be"
Ali Zingstra, Emmen, NL

A trip to Ghana is not just a vacation; it is a balm for a broken soul.
Retha Hill, Washington DC, USA

A country to come back and to come back and.....
In 1980 was Ghana, the first country I visited south of the Sahara.
And I fell in love ... with Africa, with Ghana and with the Ghanaian people.
Clive Cox, Boston Massachussettes

"I love the very hospitable people of Ghana. Homesick if I'm not there. "How and when can I go back?" THIS COUNTRY IS WORTH A VISIT, BELIEVE ME!!!
Ian Vandingelen, Houthalen, BE

I found the best beaches just west of the city past the tourist hotspot of Cape Coast, in a tiny village called Brenu Achenum. The campsite was fantastic with mouth-watering food and cheap too. In fact compared to many other countries around the area, Ghana comes out best in terms of value for money. Another highlight was the Akosombo damn which holds back the world's largest artificial lake. It is truly spectacular.
Nigel T., London England

Fantastic night life, the best kept secret in Africa. There are plenty of bars and pubs and beach resorts around the city.
Sean Brooks, LA, California

Ghana is absolutely fantastic. It is one of the more stable countries in the region and the biggest plus is that almost everyone speaks English. There is so much to do in this country and the people are eager to tell you and show you.
Sarah H. New York, New York

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